Mockup Discussion

  • Gary March 9, 2020 Vertical gap between Regular Products and Best Sellers looks too wide
  • Gary March 9, 2020 Vertical gap between Regular Products and Best Sellers looks too wide
  • Gary March 9, 2020 Orange key-line too thin. try 3 times thicker
  • Gary March 9, 2020 Orange key-line too thin. Try 3 times thicker
  • Gary March 9, 2020 Orange key-line too thin. Try 3 times thicker
  • Gary March 9, 2020 These boxes are covering some of the products. Perhaps make all the boxes slightly thinner to avoid overlap and make the box a bit lower
  • Gary March 9, 2020 These boxes are covering some of the products. Perhaps make all the boxes slightly thinner to avoid overlap and make the box a bit lower
  • Gary March 9, 2020 These boxes are covering some of the products. Perhaps make all the boxes slightly thinner to avoid overlap and make the box a bit lower
  • Gary March 9, 2020 These boxes are covering some of the products. Perhaps make all the boxes slightly thinner to avoid overlap and make the box a bit lower
  • Gary March 9, 2020 This picture look very odd, particularly the bucket
  • Gary March 9, 2020 Number too small
  • Gary March 9, 2020 Needs to be bolder
  • Gary March 9, 2020 Logo still blurry. Dis you use the one I sent?
  • Gary March 9, 2020 Why is this icon so small?
  • Gary March 9, 2020 Why is this blurred?
  • Gary March 9, 2020 These images look quite small inside their frames
  • Gary March 9, 2020 Try flipping background image so that oil rig is on the left and sun is on the right
  • Gary March 9, 2020 Image looks washed out. Increase contrast or send image to me to do
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