Mockup Discussion

  • Guest December 20, 2017 Can't find what you want? Give us a call
  • Guest December 26, 2017 change text "give us a call to include WhatsApp Only
  • Guest December 26, 2017 remove complete text section for now. we will replace this space with specific category products, such as fashion.
  • Guest December 26, 2017 we would like to move our slide images from the initial home page theme of the website, however they must first be optimized for purposes of quicker loading time
  • Guest December 26, 2017 please make logo bigger so that is bold and visible; the purpose is to promote the brand recognition
  • Guest December 26, 2017 the info for email and phone number will be bigger, and also enlarge the links for Account, Wishlist, Categories etc. Please remove Blog link from being visible to mobile version
  • Guest December 26, 2017 For all images below, we will send you our preferred images that will be optimized for the purposes quick loading
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