Mockup Discussion

  • G S October 15, 2019 Phone number is far too small and needs to be in a more prominent place e.g. on the banner
  • G S October 15, 2019 Logo far too small
  • G S October 15, 2019 Banner has too much height. On my screen there is no product categories visible as the banner takes up all the screen. I'm on iMac.
  • G S October 15, 2019 Banner image is too generic. It needs a dramatic fuel tanker image.
  • G S October 15, 2019 Going by what you have presented, it appears that you are suggesting using the same image for each category. The original site has 3 product images relating to each specific category, Road, Rail, Air and Industry. (12 images in all) I assume you are going to repeat this theme?
  • G S October 15, 2019 All Product categories must have an orange diamond behind it using the exact same Pantone as the logo. Solid orange, not graduated. Perhaps a small black key-line around the diamond.
  • G S October 15, 2019 Please use the original image from the current site
  • G S October 15, 2019 What part of the category is clickable to goto product group? I assume it's the whole image?
  • G S October 15, 2019 This image looks a bit dated perhaps.
  • G S October 15, 2019 Logo too small
  • G S October 15, 2019 These 4 categories need an orange key-line around them or something to make them more lively
  • G S October 15, 2019 In the original design before stuff disappeared. There was a company description below the top banner. That description should go into the About US link
  • G S October 15, 2019 The original image of the oil rig is better
  • G S October 15, 2019 This image doesn't relate to our products. It needs to be of freight wagons. We don't supply passenger train equipment.
  • G S October 15, 2019 What does "Learn More" link to?
  • Paul October 28, 2019 REMOVE
  • G S October 15, 2019 I don't think this blue shape works
  • Paul October 28, 2019 CHANGE TO ORANGE / CHANGE IMAGE
  • G S October 15, 2019 These link buttons are far to subtle. They are hardly noticeable. The original black with orange design was far better and followed the company theme
  • G S October 15, 2019 This strap-line is too big and looks boring
  • Paul October 28, 2019 BETTER FONT
  • Paul October 28, 2019 LOWER CASE
  • Paul October 28, 2019 LOWER CASE
  • Paul October 28, 2019 LOWER CASE
  • G S October 15, 2019 The phone number needs to go somewhere on the banner depending on the resize
  • Paul October 28, 2019 IGNORE THIS ONE
  • G S October 15, 2019 All this grey space is boring, dull and empty
  • G S October 15, 2019 Are all these going to be grey?
  • Paul October 28, 2019 Move these where number is
  • Paul October 28, 2019 Phone number hear - move search to right
  • Paul October 28, 2019 established since 1972
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