Mockup Discussion

  • admin January 16, 2018 this is just an image when we build the font size should be fine.
  • Amendments January 16, 2018 Noted. Can you reduce the amount of blue in the section so that it only covers Latest News, Hot Jobs & Twitter Feed. The rest should revert to white background.
  • admin January 16, 2018 Yes this is auto scroll
  • Amendments January 16, 2018 Remove the line and centre "TECHNOLOGY SALES RECRUITMENT" and amend to "EXPERTS IN TECHNOLOGY SALES RECRUITMENT"
  • Amendments January 16, 2018 I am not convinced with the shades of blue in the get in touch or don't take our word for it sections. How would this look with an image in the background instead OR separated as a self contained square for each to allow a white frame to contain them?
  • Amendments January 16, 2018 Can I confirm these testimonials will scroll on the live site?
  • Amendments January 16, 2018 Can I confirm these testimonials will scroll on the live site?
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