Mockup Discussion

  • Steve March 6, 2018 This doesn't make sense - please change to just "Educational IT Support"
  • Steve March 6, 2018 We will provide you a different photo for this - what format / size do you need ?
  • Steve March 6, 2018 Testimonials - can we show more of these rather than have them scroll-able please ?
  • Steve March 6, 2018 there needs to be some info in this section - to explain that we have a sales dept
  • Steve March 6, 2018 this section looks messy - the image behind is too big ?
  • Steve March 6, 2018 Do not like these stock images either - have you any others ?
  • Steve March 6, 2018 Dont like the stock image - again we can replace with our own - as above - what format / sizes
  • Steve March 6, 2018 Rework this page - bigger photo of group
  • Steve March 6, 2018 I assume these are stock headers as they dont match the site ?
  • Steve March 6, 2018 maybe a plainer background with the correct colour icons for these links
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