Mockup Discussion

  • Guest February 12, 2019 This is basically ok, although there maybe a bit too much content below the initial view page...too much scrolling. However, I really like the main istock photo on this...are we able to make any mods to the picture (like deleting the 52/53)?

  • Paul/Carol February 27, 2019 Like image can we remove number
  • Paul/Carol February 27, 2019 Like image can we remove number
  • Paul/Carol February 27, 2019 Opening Hours
  • Paul/Carol February 27, 2019 Can we add a search
  • Paul/Carol February 27, 2019 Remove form from homepage
  • Paul/Carol February 27, 2019 Industry Sectors Title
  • Paul/Carol February 27, 2019 Industry Sectors Title
  • Paul/Carol February 27, 2019 Video right
  • Paul/Carol February 27, 2019 Remove social
  • Paul/Carol February 27, 2019 Terms and Privacy
  • Paul/Carol February 27, 2019 Accreditations
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