Mockup Discussion

  • Debbie Andrews February 20, 2018 The title should be Digital Print Cups
  • Debbie Andrews February 20, 2018 The title should be Digital Print Cups
  • Debbie Andrews February 20, 2018 The title should be Digital Print Cups
  • Debbie Andrews February 20, 2018 We like this new modern style/format. We will later review and amend the text for some points.
  • Debbie Andrews February 20, 2018 This Peroni white banner area is something which doesn't quite work. We think it maybe due to the predominance of the white background which does not fit/blend with the content below. Also the size of the headings is probably too small. It somehow looks old fashioned whereas the new tick bullet points/layout at the bottom of the page look more modern in style.
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