Mockup Discussion

  • Dainty June 19, 2017 Still not really liking theses big gaps.. both sides??
  • Dainty June 19, 2017 Will this then split of into acoustic electric bass???
  • Dainty June 19, 2017 Don't like the info on this line.. can it just be a black line???
  • Dainty June 19, 2017 these could be bigger
  • dainty June 19, 2017 could these be flush with above 3 images???
  • dainty June 19, 2017 could these be flush with above 3 images???
  • dainty June 19, 2017 could these be flush with above 3 images???
  • dainty June 19, 2017 can this be big and orange?
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