Mockup Discussion

  • Michelle February 27, 2018 This is the preferred layout of the 2

  • Michelle February 27, 2018 Can this image box be smaller? Or is it preset?
  • Michelle February 27, 2018 Tthink I prefer this which uses cut outs rather than the images boxes in version2
  • Michelle February 27, 2018 not sure about the marching ants and shawdow box behind
  • Michelle February 27, 2018 I like the font used in "our prducts range" we could use here too
  • Michelle February 27, 2018 needs more subdued background I think
  • Michelle February 27, 2018 same with font here
  • Michelle February 27, 2018 same with font here
  • Michelle February 27, 2018 contact us is missing I think
  • Michelle February 27, 2018 apologies it is called information
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