Mockup Discussion

  • Michelle March 13, 2018 we can remove this one
  • Michelle March 13, 2018 does this image have to be this large? Or is it in the preset?
  • admin March 14, 2018 2/3 deep
  • Michelle March 13, 2018 can we replace this with "Wedding Decorations"
  • Michelle March 13, 2018 Lets call this Dog Beds
  • Michelle March 13, 2018 Lets call this - Retail & Event Decor
  • Michelle March 13, 2018 Can I change this to Retail & Event Decor
  • Michelle March 13, 2018 Keep as Buy Shelves
  • Michelle March 13, 2018 Can we confirm all the fonts currently being used . thanks
  • Michelle March 13, 2018 This is quite difficult to read even on full it the font or size...suggestions welcomed
  • admin March 14, 2018 Make White so will need to invert rest
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