Mockup Discussion

  • tabs November 17, 2017 tab size to be slightly bigger font
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 will provide the logo and new branding soon. It is placed fine there.
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 will provide the logo and new branding soon. It is placed fine there.
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 will provide the logo and new branding soon. It is placed fine there.
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 will provide the logo and new branding soon. It is placed fine there.
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 will provide the logo and new branding soon. It is placed fine there.
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 will provide the logo and new branding soon. It is placed fine there.
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 Please make the length of the picture slightly bigger, it currently measures as 13.5 cm perhaps make it 14 cm or slightly less. Also please make the banner rotating.
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 amendment - please make the picture 15 cm long and the same should be for the other big banner picture
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 Sorry Paul - I am not sure how to delete the previous comments so please use this version under comment 6. I have been looking at the length of banners on most campaign websites we like and even the one I created on wix and they are 18cm in length so can the big banners be 18 cm in length.
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 '''
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 perhaps 4 revolving banners
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 Can this photo/video be 9 cm in length, just so that it doesn't look too small now that we are making the big banner pictures more longer.
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 Regarding the text below - is it the same size as the above text on the first banner? It seems smaller and unreadable. Can it be the same size please.
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 amendment please make this pic 10 cm in length
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 can this photo be 27 cm length by 14.5 cm in length.
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 Please make this banner the same length as the first revolving banner and the text the same size. The smaller text under the headers seem too small can we make it slightly bigger - so that it's readable. Nothing too glaringly big however.
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 Just checking but we can change header titles? Just checking.
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 Please make the length of these pictures longer - so that they tie in neatly with the other amendments. Do you think 5.5cm would be too big?
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 Writing needs to be bigger font size - the same as the rest of the website for the text
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 slightly longer boxes please
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 logo branding here
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 can this part be the twitter feed?
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 remove please
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 contact us can be placed here
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 continuation from the comment above this section will be the contact us and get involved section with our address, tel no and read more whoch takes us to the get involved section
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 this will be the instagram section
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 can we include a section here - this will be a new one for us to put infographs
  • rebecca November 20, 2017 as the photo is bigger please note that the white space has to be bigger underneath so 10 cm in length. Also the writing is very small can we have a bigger font please
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